Matteo Testa

I am a Senior Research Engineer in the field of speech synthesis at Cerence. I love to work on challenging research ideas and to bring them into prototypes. Prior to that, I received my PhD in Electronics and Telecommunications engineering from the Politecnico di Torino, Italy, in 2016. During my PhD I spent a period at Universidad de Granada, Spain, under the supervision of Prof. Rafael Molina where I worked on variational Bayesian inference for inverse imaging problems, e.g. inpainting and denoising.

In my past, I spent 3 years at Politecnico di Torino, as a postdoc (funded by Sony EuTec) where I worked on theoretical guarantees of random projections for security applications and Deep Learning approaches for secure biometric authentication and facial recognition.


July 2020 BioMetricNet paper got accepted at ECCV20!